No. of Bibs by Publication Year
No. Bib-Id CallNo. Author Title Copy
140428.34 K16CKanitta UtawanitCommunicative English for tourism /2
285158 M379PMartin, Garry L.Psychology, adjustment, and everyday living /2
391808.042 G676EGoshgarian, Gary.Exploring Language /1
494823.912 G799TGreene, Graham.The Captain and the enemy /2
598910.4 C724IColtman, Michael M.Introduction to travel and tourism : an international approach /1
6105613.2 B792PBoyle, Marie A.Personal nutrition /2
7112658 D725WDoty, Leonard A.Work methods and measurement for management /3
8776649 J962SCole, Joanna.Safe from the start /2
9792508.98 M466GMay, John.The greenpeare book of antarctica /1
10794629.2 J55P.Jepperson, Sanderson.Private pilot manual /1
11799507 D676HScarl, Donald.How to solve problems /2
12803338.1 K42TKesseba, Abbas M.Technology systems for small farmers =1
13804551.4 S428PScott, Ralph C.Physical Geography /2
14805530 P337PPayne, Charles A.Phsical science /3
15812574 A899BAudesirk, Gerald.Biology life on earth /3
16813651.3 Q979AQuible, Zane K.Administrative office management : | an introduction /2
17814310 D184BDaniel, Wayne W.Business statistics for management and economics /3
18816425 C954BCrozier, Kim W.Building skills in english book 2 /3
19833910.4 P892FPoynter, James.Foreign independent tours /1
20854808.042 V583CVesterman, William.The College writer's reader =6
21856332.6 K81IKolb, Robert W.Investments /1
22879512.1 F597PFleming, Walter.Precalculus mathematics : a problem-solving approach /1
23887615.1 N675CNierenberg, David W.Clinical problems in basic pharmacology /2
24891947.085 G661Gorbachev's glasnost /2
25903940 P454WPerry, Marvin.Western civilization /2
26904025.47 L285SLangridgy, Derck Wilton.Subject analysis principles and procesures /1
27917155.205 E21PEditions, Annuol.Personal growth and behavior /1
28925616.61 G888AGriinfeld, Jean-piere.Advances in nephorlogy /1
29926659.112 G455IBurgess, Gilesh.Industrial organization /1
30949649.8 M255AMallcy, Catherine.Acute care nursing in the home /7
311134519.5 A168CAczel, Amir D.Complete business statistics /2
321302647 R364MNykiel, Ronald A.Marketing in the1
331438FIC R368CReinhart, Melanic.Chiron and the healing journey /1
341439620.112 R573IRiley, William F.Introduction to mechanics of materials /1
351558913 G46Geography and development a world regional approach /3
361823951 C434China Briefing, 1989 /2
371831515 H711CHoffmann, Laurence D.Calculus for business economics and the social and life sciences /1
381847950 S929OStuart, Peter C.The other half glimpses of grassroots Asia /3
391926551.7 W633HWicander, Reed.Historical geology /2
401979630.72 C738TCompton, J. Lin.The transformation of international agriculstural research & development /3
411982621.398 T391HE. Alfred.The Hewlett Paclard Laserjet Printer Handbook /2
421988701.1 F445UFichner-rathus, Lois.Understanding art /3
432242658.1 D828TDuchez, Joanne.The Corporate Directory 1990 /1
442246920 B651H.Bloch, Deborah Perlmutter.How to write a winning resume /1
452254428.6 A225IAdamson, Donald.International hotel English /1
462273610.73 H438SHeaton, W.h.Student Workbook Nursing Assistant training program for long - term care /1
472295977 C295E.Carpenter, Allan.The Encyclopedia of the Midwest /2
482314FIC C492WChatwin, Bruce.What ami doing here /1
492345621.C642 D189IDale, Nell.Introduction to Pascal and structured design /3
502707FIC A355RAlcott, Louisa May.Rose in Bloom /2
512711FIC P235LParks, Tim.Loving Roger /2
522735FIC Z97BZweig, Stefan.The burning Secret /1
532740793.3 V945SVongsawatdikul, Somsak.The song of Reality = | Dancing Through The Test of Time /2
543263025.2 G671CGorman, G. E.Collection development for libraries /1
553275610 R725TRogers, David E.The year book of medicine 1991 /3
563352327.27 K49CChina and the world :1
573375621.3815 B832DBreeding, Kenneth J.Digital design fundamentals /2
583377610.73 T244FTaylor, Mary Carol.Fundamentals of nursing /2
593407616.07 K95DKuhns, Lawrence R.Decision making in imaging /2
603425530 G292P.Gettys W. Edward.Physics.1
613427951.05 L735ULink, E. Perry.Unofficial China : popular culture and thought in the people's republic /2
623435513.14 K26DKeedy, Mervin L.Developmental Mathematics /2
633440574 P856NPostlethwait, John H.The nature of life /5
643451621.39 H975MHutchinson, Sarah E.Microcomputer applications soffware /4
653464363.728 W481HWentz, Charles A.Hazardous waste management /1
663922621.C642 T789PTremblay, Jean-paul.Programming in pascal /4
674030920 H845JHoode, Jane.Jane Addams /1
684035332.6 W638PWidicus, Wilbur W.Personal investing /3
694118550 M791EMontgomery, Carla W.Environmental geology /2
704132510 Z82FZitarelli, David E.Finite mathematics : | with applications /2
714155512 Z83CZook, Dianna L.College algebra /1
724172374 K74AKnox, Alan B.Adult development and Learning /2
734175621.C6424 E19UEckel, Bruce.Using C++ :4
744179621.C6424 S434BSchildt, Herbert.Born to code in C /1
754186542 T468CThompson, Stephen.Chemtrek : | small-scale experiments for general chemistry /1
764211430 P529BPfister, Guenter G.Beginning German :2
774216650 D167BDaniel, Wayne W.Business statistics : for management and economics /1
784221370.1523 A681LArends, Richard I.Learning to teach /1
794229150 P729SPlotnik, Rod.Student organizer and self-testing book for introduction psychology /2
804240370 O74FOrnstein, Allan C.Foundations of education /2
814245155.45 K59EKirk, Samuel A.Educating exceptional children /2
824258611 L487H.Leeson, C. Roland.Human structure /2
834342823.914 O81AOsborne, Lawrence.Ania Malina /2
844494510 H324F.Harshbarger, Ronald J.Finite mathematics /1
854562551.46 C486CCharton, Barbara.Collins reference dictionary seas and oceans /1
864572505 M147McGraw-Hill yearbook of science & technology2
874856303.48 N728TNitaya Praphruitkit.The relationship between parent involvement in the reading development of their children and their children's Academic Achievement /1
885106616.0754 K89DKrcmkau, Frcderick W.Diagnostie Ultrasound principles, Instruments and Exerciscs /1
895134510 M522IMceliece, Robert J.Introduction to discrete mathematics /1
905141895 R627ARizal, Jose.Anthology to Asean literature (Noli Me Teagere) / \ Jose Rizal2
915143570 B874SBrosnan, Deboran M.Study guide to accompany the natureof Life /1
925167520 S551HSeeds, Michael A.Horizons exploring the universe /5
935171627 K89WKriengsak Udomsinrot.Wastewater engineering design /2
945301700 P922APreble, Duane.Artform : Introduction to the visual arts /1
955318658.054 O45CO'leary, T.j.Computers and information systems/1
965323374.73 R317FRedish, Martin H.Federal courts : | cases, comments, and questions /1
975548616.89142 P943Progress in behavior modification /13
985581712.609 R696T.Rose, Graham.The traditional garden book.1
995670421.52 K92P.Kreidler, Charles W.The Pronuncication of English.1
1005682515 A795M.Arya, Jagdish C.Mathematical analysis for business, economics and the life and social sciences /1
1015686150 F312AFeldman, Robert S.Adjustment = | applying psychology in a complex world /3
1025714362.1 W646TWielkewicz, Richard M.Training and Habilitating Developmentally Disabled People /4
1035759621.C6425 O113PO'Brien, James A.PC software workbook /3
1045889519.4 S318NKincaid, David.Numerical analysis /1
1056063150 W434PWeiten, Wayne.Psychology themes and variations /2
1066101380.1 F960BFuhrman, Peter Harry.Business in the Canadian environment /2
1076239428 G558E.Glendinning, Eric H.English in computing /1
1086242428.24 A992UAzar, Betty Schrampfer.Understanding and using English grammar /1
1096324418.007 N972UNunan, David.Understanding language classrooms =1
1106732745.92 b C743DConder, Susan.Dried flowers : drying & arranging /1
1116984331.0973 M657LMills, Daniel Quinn.Labor management relations /2
1127361658.4038 B947IBurch, John.Information systems : theory and practice /2
1137550004 B862GA glossary of computing Terms : | an introduction /2
1147573153 B554CBest, John B.Cognitive psychology /1
1157610025.04 C426PChang, Shi-kuo.Principles of pictorial information systems design /2
1167628025.42 L697LLibrary of congress classification : Philosophy psychology ( B - BJ ) /1
1177631021.28 M375CMastin, William J.Community librarianship changing the face of public libraries /1
1187645155.2 C18CConnell, April O.Choice and change /1
1197652011.1 T366IInternational symposium on information technology =1
1207658150 P729IPlothik, Rod.Introduction to psychology /2
1217664001.51 G191IGamble, Michael.Introduction mass communication /1
1227667020 M137CMacdougall, A.Cooperative Training in libraries /1
1237671020.715 P973H.Handbook of library /1
1247683025.5 G259GGates, Jean Key.Guide to the use of libraries and information sources /1
1257744302.23 W753MWilson, Stan Le Roy.Mass media/mass culture : an introduction /5
1268288915.93 W294BWarren, William.Bangkok's waterways an explorers handbook /2
1278293350 R813PRosenbloom, David H.Public administration understanding management , politics, and law in the public sector /1
1288330384 W716TWilliams, Frederick.The new communications /3
1298378621.C6424 V578CVesely, Eric Garrigue.Cobol : a guide to structured, portable, maintainable, and efficient program design /2
1308590391.20 S689PSolomon, Michael R.The psychology of fashion /2
1318825951.025 M743The Mongol conquests : AD 1200-13001
1328885371.029 R811ARosow, Jerome M.Allies in educational reform2
1339208573 F293HFeder, Kenneth L.Human antiquity = | an introduction to physical anthropology and archacology /2
1349362635.903 R888The Royal Horticultural Society garden's encyclopedia of plants and flowers /1
1359390372.218 F828WFeeney, Stephanie.Who am I in the lives of children : an introduction to teaching young children /3
1369794611.84 S671CSnell, Richard S.Clinical anatomy of the eye /2
1379795027.441 U85TUsherwood, Bob.The public library as public knowledge /2
1389797658.5 A193PAdam, Everett E.Production and operations management /2
1399800647.94 A124HAbbey, James R.Hospitality sales and advertising /2
1409808155.4 C689DCole, Michael.The development of children /1
1419887299.514 W959TWu, John C. H.Tao teh ching /3
1429889025 C771MCook, Michael.A manual of achival description /1
1439949910.9 V975Voyages of discovery : AD 1400-15001
1449961909.07 F992Fury of the Northmen : AD 800-10001
14510037302.24 ส735กการสื่อข่าวสิ่งแวดล้อม : | คู่มือสื่อมวลชน /2
14610110301.05 S678Sociology 89/90 /2
14710157327.17 H741THollins, Harry B.The conquest for war =2
14810158330.973 M236UMalabre, Alfed L.Understanding the new economy /2
14910161R 010 T673BWanna Topibupong.Bibliograplgy of information resourees in the library of the institute of east asian studies thmmasat university /1
15010169330.972 W175KWali, Alaka.Kilowatts and crisis /2
15110199338.5443 S849RStewart, Hugh B.Recollecting the future /2
15210210301.09 T944HTurner, Jonathan H.Herbert, Spencer /1
15310263025.04 R543PRiechel, Rosemarie.Personnal needs and changing reference /3
15410439790.02 O 111GOakley, Ruth.Game with Rope and string /1
15510443613.6 T477MThompson, Trisha.Maintaining good health /1
15610448R 030 S355Science year =2
15710520375 R917CRudolph, Frederick.Curriculum /2
15810554610.7368 P284MPasquali, Elaine Anne.Mental health nursing /4
15910558615.58 K18HKarb, Virginia Burke.Handbook of Drugs Son Nursing Practice /2
16010570338.9 S751WSmith, J.w.The world's wasted wealth /3
16110622301.3105 EEnvironment 89/90 /2
16210655540 S533CSherman, Alan.Chemistry and our changing world2
16310701621.C642 W924WordPerfect for IBM personal computers and pc networks /1
16410826909.1 D618The Divine campaigns : AD 1100-12001
16511043540 F68Foundations of chemistry /3
16611045909.3 A265The Age of calamity : AD 1300-14001
16711383R 423.1 H814OHornby, A.S.Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English /9
16811527001.54 B853EBrieger, Nick.Early business contacts /1
16911531428 G293WGebhardt, Richard C.Writing processes and intentions /3
17011535658.403 P238MParker, Charles S.Management information systems /1
17111540621.39 A435IAlleyrand, Marc R. D.Image Storage and Retrieval Systems /2
17211541621.C2 W797DWipfler, Arlene J.Distributed Processing in the CICS Environment =2
17311542781.3 K86TKostka, Stefen.Tonal Harmony /8
17411604909.82 S524Shadow of the dictators : AD 1925-19501
17511799617.6 R795Y.Rose, Louis F.The Year Book of Dentistry 19-- /2
17611834020.3 R199DRosenberg, Kenyon C.Dictionary of library and educational technology /1
17711838621.388 W582H.White Hooper.How to produce effictive TV commurcials.1
17811887745.61 Y27LYasaburo Kuwayama.Logotypes of the world 2 /1
17911976746.44 B879ABrown, Pauline.Applique /1
18012081746.44 A555SAndrew, Anne.Smocking /1
18112111790.02 O111GOakley, Ruth.Games with sticks, Stone and Shalls /1
18212112790.02 O111BOakley, Ruth.Ball Games /1
18312113790.02 O111COakley, Ruth.Chesing Grames /1
18412114790.02 O111GOakley, Ruth.Garmes with Papers and pencils /1
18512115790.02 O111GOakley, Ruth.Games of strength and skill /1
18612116790.02 O111COakley, Ruth.Chanting Gams /1
18712117790.02 O111BOakley, Ruth.Board and Card Games /1
18812509616.89 B725ABootzin, Richard R.Abnormal psychology = | Current perspectives /1
18912582920.0593 S959ISupaporn Khaosumeang.Index to who'swho in Thailand 1973-1982.2
19012648952 K95F.Kurian, George Thomas.Facts on File national profiles Japan /2
19112649949.2 K95FKurian, George Thomas.Facts on file national profiles. /p The Benelux countries /3
19213827500 B563GBethel, Lowell S.General science /1
19313895796.42 H327MHarteis, Richard.Marathon /1
19413926658 D238SDaughtrey, Anne Scott.Student manual to accompany contemporary supervision /2
19513978797.2 B562NByars, Betsy.The night swimmers /1
19614013643.5 B576ABianchina, Paul.Attic, Basement and garage conversion =5
19714034617 Y39Year book of surgery 1989 /2
19814035016 D826TDuchez, Joanne.The Corporate directory indexes 1990 /1
19915372617.52 T452FReqan Thomas J.Facial scara /1
20015380JUV D759TDragonwagon, Crescent.This is the bread I baked for ned /2
20115414615.9 A383Advances in combustion toxicology /7
20215422808.042 C927BCrews, Frederick.The Borzoi handbook for writers /1
20315424621.C6424 T858CTrotter, William H.Crystal clear cobol : an introduction to COBOL and structured programming /3
20415431617.7 H826DDunbar, Hoskins H.Diagnosis and therapy of the glaucomas /2
20515448362.2 W873BWoody, Robert Henley.Business success in mental health practice /5
20615478658.4 P238MParker, Charles S.Management information systems /1
20715490658.403 K93MKroenke, David M.Management information systems /1
20815612001.5 C323SCarter, Roger.Students' guide to information technology /1
20915613025.04 C743OConvey, John.Online information retrieval /1
21015679616.07 K25EKeats, Theodore E.Emergency radiology /1
21115692428 F892SFrew, Robert M.Survival = | A sequential program for college writing /2
21215818540 R496RRemmin Peter E.Reviewing Chemistry /1
21315826JUV B711TBond, Michael.The Tales of olga da polga /2
21415868621.C642 M118IMeleod, Raymond.Introduction to information systems /2
21515884808.042 S955RSummerfield, Geoffrey.Reading (s) /2
21615897629.2 T099CCrash cases =2
21715931025.431 C728DDewey, Melvil.DDC 20 Dewey Decimal Classification and relative index /8
21816088621.C642 D685DDonna Woo.Display write tm 4 =3
21916193025.04 L477LLeeves, Juliet.Library systems : a buyer's guide /1
22017032551.162 D998IDuxbury, Alyn C.An introduction to the world's Oceans /1
22117070668.9 A383Advances in interpenetrating polymer Networks /2
22217107082 M374MThe macmillan dictionary of quotations /1
22317137510 W314BWashington, Allyn J.Basic technical mathematics /2
22417143372.86 D243DDaure, Victor P.Dynamic physical education for elementary school children /1
22517160302.23 F666VFolkerts, Jean.Voices of a nation /3
22617207686.225 L215DLamar, Laura.Desktop design /2
22717210621.C61 S478ASenn, James A.Analysis and design of information systems /5
22817402JUV J96Just the thing /3
22917429604.24 W187DRoss Wallach, Paul.Drafting in a computer age /1
23017749567.9 D586Dinosaurs1
23117957621.C642 C551LChorafas, Dimitris N.Local area network reference /3
23217983302.23 S578CCultiv ation analysis = | New directions in media effects research /2
23317986546.681 F512CFinlayson, Kier M.Carbon reinforced epoxy systems part VII /8
23417994808.2 J15BJacobus, Lee A.The bedford introduction to drama /3
23518002540 Z93SZumdahl, Steven S.Solutions guide for chemistry /2
23618017780 O42DOlson, Ivan.Developing musical awareness :5
23718020150.194 B338PSchwartz, Barry.Psychology of learning and behavior /5
23818093621.C642 T789ITremblay, Jean-paul.Introduction to computer science /8
23918367155.93 K14MKalish, Richard A.Midlife loss /3
24018376617.91 MC111PMcentyre, Robert L.Practical quide to the care of the surgical patient /2
24118832E R44KReynolds, Naglor Phyllis.Keeping a christmas secret /1
24218844658.5036 S381OSchroeder, Roger G.Operations management : | decision making in the operations function /1
24319007759 A158TAbrams, Harry N.10+10 Contemporary Soviet and american painters /4
24419062621.C577 K47AKlempner, D.Advances in interpenetrating polymer networks /5
24519071658.812 M379MMartin, William B.Managing quality customer sevice /3
24619465610.73 C565Clinical applications of nursing diagnosis /1
24719656616.89 K87OKottler, Jeffrey A.On Being a therapist /1
24819663621.C642 S613dSimpson, Alan.dBase IV User's instant reference /1
24919836174.962 M379EMartin, Mike W.Ethics in engineering /5
25019907614.5 H795THopkins Jack W.The eradication of smallpox /2
25120027616.1 M359AMarriott, Henry J.L.Advanced concepts in arrhythmias /2
25220085618.92 B867PBrook, Itzhak.Pediatric anaerobic infection = | Diagnosis and management /2
25320124618.92 N561NNewton, Jeery.The new school handbook= | A ready reference for school nures /1
25420155378.052 C357AAlternative funding sources /2
25520182301.45 K62J0Kitano, Harry H.L.Japaness Americans = | The evolution of a subculture /1
25620211305.26 S732SSpacapan, Shirlynn.The social psychology of aging /2
25720313621.C6424 W492UWerner, Michael D.Using VP-planner, wordperfect, wordstar and dBASE III plus revised edition with wordperfect 4.2 and 5.0 /3
25820683519.5 T819PTriola, Mario F.Elementary Statisics /2
25920799621.C6425 L326GLarson, Gwynne.Using WordPerfect 5.0 /3
26020894621.C642 S159MSalkind, Neil J.The wordperfect expert 5.0 /2
26120917617 J66IJohnson, Jonas, T.Instructional Courses V.2 1989 /1
26220951621.c6424 Z78PZinky, Margaret.Programming in clipper /1
26321069621.C642 T789ITremblay, Jean-paulIntroduction to computer science /1
26421084909.1 L723Light in the East : AD 1000-11001
26521484693 R569MRiggs, J. Rosemary.Materials and components of interior /1
26622090634 P665FPiper, Jacqueline M.Images of Asia = | Fruits of South-East Asia facts and folklire /1
26722119636.089 C877Curreut veterinary therapy small animal practice /3
26822528306.593 S565CCulture and environment in Thailand /1
26922633025.431 D483DDewey, Melvil.Dewey Decimal Classification and relative index /6
27022650621.C642 F199BFanzone, Penny.Basic problem solving =2
27122739621.C642 C732OComer, Douglas.Operating system design Vol 1 : The xinu approach /1
27222956155.2 P471PPervin, Lawrence A.Personality : theory and research /6
27323156304.27 K95EKupchella, Charles E.Environmental science : living within the system of nature /1
27423876407.6 H893THughes, Arthur.Testing for language teachers /1
27524169530.14 H426EHayt, William H.Engineering electromagnetics /3
27624183343.730 F953BFuerghn, Dean Keith.But the people in ledal said = | A guide to current legal issues in advertising /1
27724202327.4701 S692The soviet bloc and the third world =2
27824718510 S495FSetek, William M.Fundamentals of mathematice /3
27924754510 L652MLeutzinger, Larry P.Mathematics /2
28025170540 A874GP. W. Atkins.General Chemistry /3
28125189517 H157PHardy, F.Lane.Precalculus mathematics /1
28225455519.4 S318NScheid, Francis.Numerical analysis /1
28325580591.53 P74Predatore and predation = | The struggle for life in the animal world /2
28425731658.4 w994IWysocki, Robert K.Information systems : management principles in action /1
28526096651.8 C532CChiang Mai University.Computer software development for physics instruction /1
28626215513.14 G873MGrob, Bernerd.Mathematics for basic electronics /1
28726291371.102 G816CGreenwood, Gordon E.Case studies for teacher decision making /2
28826424362.1 H434The Health care executive search : a guide to recruiting and job seeking /2
28926593647.94 C724CColtman, Michael M.Cost control for the hospitality industry /1
29027059658.4038 L848MLong, Larry.Management information systems /2
29127071428 N715BNinnat Olanvoravuth.Business English communication /3
29227205658.4 B576MBhasin, Roberet.Mastering management a guide for the technical processional /2
29327225658.4 G564HGoumain, Pierre.High-technology workplaces integrating technology, management, and design /2
29427248658.87 B516RBerman, Barry.Retial management a strategic approach /2
29527367760.0285 M478PMcClelland, Deke.Painting on the pc /2
29627463808.042 B927TCrews, Frederick.The random house handbook /1
29727543808.042 L292WLannon, John M.The writing process a concise rhetoric /1
29827631739.27 D167FDaniels, Ger.Folk jewelry of the world /1
29927879910.09 G155TGee, Chuck Y.The travel industry /2
30027941909.82 G386VGervasi, Frank.The violent decade /1
30127952915.904 W562SWheeler, Tony.South-east asia on a shoestring /5
30228245948 K95FKurian, George Thomas.Facts on file national profiles scandinavia /2
30328353951 O34COgden, SuzanneChina /2
30428398954 Jn39Insia bricfing, 1989 /2
30528483909.82 J13AJackson, Robert M.Global issues 89/90 /2
30633144CIR H359Handwriting : basic skills and application /3
30733207621.402 S871DStoecker, W.F.Design of thermal systems /1
30833266SS E65WErickson, Russell E.Warton and the king of the skies /2
30933268SS H559Herose & Villains1
31033344JUV W146Wake the sun /2
31133365899.222 A628Anthology of Asean literature : pre-lslamic literature of Indonesia /2
31235193016 B66books in print 1985-19861
31336625510 C521ECheremisinoff, Nicholas P.Engineering mathematics and statistics : pocket handbook /1
31438462005.265 W149MWakerly, John F.Microcomputer architecture and programming : the 68000 family /1
31541533915.598 B699PBooz,P.R.A Gloden souvenir of bali /1
31644809305.42 D186ADaniels, Doris GroshenAlways a sister : the feminism of Lillian D. Wald /2
31744964CD 0010Levey, judits.Macmillan Dictionary For Children [CD-ROM] /1
31845359903 F527A First dictionary of cultural literacy : what our children need to know /1
31945912TC 1045Jodia Foster Reads The Fisherman and Hjs wife writter by the Brothrs Grimm Music by van dyke Parks [เทปคลาสเสต] /1
32045978629.255 H638High-temperature, high-shear (HTHS) oil viscosity :1
32146125519.5 I31MIman, Ronald L.Modern business statistics /1
32246151632.95 P476 1989Pesticide formulations and application systems : | eighth volume /2
32346394332.6 P524TPfeffermann, Guy Pierre.Trends in private investment in thirty developing countries /2
32446481641.8654 B621Biscuits, cookies and crackers /1
32548650508.943 M146DMcGovern, AnnDown under, down under : | diving adventures on the Great Barrier Reef /2
32648669372.4 M147McGraw-Hill reading /2
32750439951 C514SChe, MuqiThe Silk Road, past and present /1